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Retrieves information on objects of class DBIDriver, DBIConnection or DBIResult.

Methods in other packages

This documentation page describes the generics. Refer to the documentation pages linked below for the documentation for the methods that are implemented in various backend packages.


dbGetInfo(dbObj, ...)



An object inheriting from DBIObject, i.e. DBIDriver, DBIConnection, or a DBIResult


Other arguments to methods.


For objects of class DBI::DBIDriver, dbGetInfo() returns a named list that contains at least the following components:

  • driver.version: the package version of the DBI backend,

  • client.version: the version of the DBMS client library.

For objects of class DBI::DBIConnection, dbGetInfo() returns a named list that contains at least the following components:

  • db.version: version of the database server,

  • dbname: database name,

  • username: username to connect to the database,

  • host: hostname of the database server,

  • port: port on the database server. It must not contain a password component. Components that are not applicable should be set to NA.

For objects of class DBI::DBIResult, dbGetInfo() returns a named list that contains at least the following components:

Implementation notes

The default implementation for DBIResult objects constructs such a list from the return values of the corresponding methods, dbGetStatement(), dbGetRowCount(), dbGetRowsAffected(), and dbHasCompleted().


#> $driver.version
#> [1] ‘2.3.9’
#> $client.version
#> [1] ‘3.47.1’